What is Audiometry?

Audiometry test is a test of hearing where the subject comes to know about their hearing sensitivity, where he/she can respond to the sound at minimum level. The science of calculating the sharpness of hearing especially by measuring deviations in sound intensity and pitch is called ‘audiometry’. It also examines tonal purity and involves measuring thresholds. Best Audiologist In Pune aims to decide whether someone can hear within the normal range, and if not, which portions of hearing (high, middle, or low frequencies) are influenced and to what extent. Audiologists are specialists in the administration of the auditory and balance systems. It is one of the principal branches of audiology i.e. the science of hearing, balance, and associated disorders. Audiometry conducts an examination to test the ability to hear noises based on loudness i.e. intensity and vibration i.e. speed of sound waves. The science of listening dictates that when the vibrations of noise reach the inner ear means a person can hear.

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There are many types of Audiometry test procedures for adults and pediatrics. These are different for different age groups. As per pediatrics, where children or infants cannot participate in the test on their own are tested by physiological test batteries ie. BERA or AEP, ASSR, P300, VEMP, Aided BERA, OAE. In pediatric subjects, tests are VRA (visual response Audiometry), BOA BEHAVIORAL OBSERVATIONal AUDIOMETRY, clay audiometric informal test, and for adults for geriatric test batteries are audiometry impedance audiometry reflectometry this test is subjective and objective test are as mentioned for pediatric.
Those who are suffering from ear problems with complaints of hearing loss earache discharge auditory tumor CAPD. do students having poor speech for absent speech learning disabilities stammering misarticulation age-related hearing loss are the symptoms when hearing test are recommended. And in case of body balancing or those who are unable to understand speech conversation are required for hearing assessment.